πŸ›  Integration Overview

Instadapp's DeFi Smart Account interact with specified method contracts called 'connectors,' The protocols integrate into the Instadapp by building connectors for their protocol contracts.

  1. Build connector and resolver contracts.
  2. Submit a Pull Request
  3. Instadapp Team reviews and finalizes code
  4. Submit Proposal to governance with code changes.

Build Connector and Resolver contracts


Connectors integrate external protocol functions enabling DSA to interact with external functions. For example here is the function for deposit() from the Compound protocol.

πŸ›  How to Build a Connector

πŸ›  Example of submitted pull request for connector Example - Liquity Protocol


Resolvers are wrappers for read-contracts; this helps fetch protocol-related details and read other data in a single function. For example here is the function forΒ getPosition() from the Compound protocol.

πŸ›  Link to Resolver Repo

πŸ›  Example of a pull request for resolver Example - Liquity Protocol

Submit a PR

Submit the integration by submitting pull requests for the 'Connector' and 'Resolver'